Sunday 5 October 2014


Malaysia Studies is about the history of Malaysia before and after it is free from being colonized by the terrorist . The early history of the country told us about how Malacca was founded by Parameswara who was then converted his religion to Islam and started to known as Raja Iskandar Syah .

Sequence of Malaysia Studies was continued with struggle for Malaysia's independence and formation of Malaysia . This topic was build to discuss about the process to achieve independence, the formation of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948, the committee of relationship between races and others .

Parliamentary democracy is one of a sub-topic in system of government and administration . It told us about the definition of parliamentary democracy and the benefits of the system when it is being used in Malaysia .

In topic 4, we learn to know about Malaysia's constitutinal . From this topic, students of Malaysia Studies were exposed on steps of elections in Malaysia . Elections will be held every 5 years in order to choose the next Prime Minister to lead Malaysia on it's way to achieve Wawasan 2020 . The elections system shows that Malaysia is a democracy county .

Community and solidarity both are the important medium to have a harmony country as it is weapon to keep Malaysia peace . When there are a solidarity between people even they are from different races and religons, then our country will countinuosly be in a good condition .

The ideas of 1 Malaysia which is introduced by our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak . This ideas is a way to keep Malaysia develop .

For the conclusion, Malaysia Studies is an important subject to be learned by the youngsters in order to make sure that they know about the sacrifice of the fighters old days . All of the fighter had tried their very all best to have an independence country so we should thanks them a lot as it is because of them we had a chance to enjoyed this peaceful Malaysia .